Board of Zoning Appeals

The Board of Zoning Appeals shall hear appeals to the decisions of the administration of the zoning ordinance, requests for variances, and requests for special exceptions in accordance with S.C. Code § 6-29-780 et sq. and Chapter 162 of the Folly Beach Code of Ordinances.

The Board shall consist of seven members elected by City Council to staggered three year terms. The Mayor and City Council shall make every effort to appoint individuals to vacant seats on or before June 1 of each year.

The chairperson shall be elected by the board, who shall serve for one year or until he or she is re-elected or his or her successor is elected and qualified.

Board members shall be full-time, year-round residents and registered voters of the city. Full-time, year round residency shall be determined by the address appearing on the voter registration card, driver’s license, and most current federal tax return.

Board Members
Term Expires
Board Chair
Toni Catoe
Board Member
Dennis Ashley
Board Member
Emily Brown
Board Member
John Rosen
Board Member
Dave Miller
Board Member
Ann Peets
Board Member
Tray Stephenson
Staff Liaison
Jenna Stephens Email Jenna

Contact the Zoning Department

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For questions or more information, email