Parking on Folly Beach
The City of Folly Beach welcomes you to our beautiful community. We hope your visit will be fun for you and your family and that you will visit again. There is one thing you can do which will help make your visit more enjoyable and prevent you or members of your family from being ticketed by the Department of Public Safety.
***Need to pay/appeal a parking ticket? Click Here
If you need parking assistance, please call 843-580-0423, 24-hours a day, or visit www.parkfollybeach.org.
Parking Rules
- No parking on the roadway. All four tires must be off the road. If white lines are painted, tires must be outside the white line.
- No parking against traffic. All vehicles must park with the flow of traffic.
- No parking in a crosswalk.
- No parking within 20 feet of an intersection.
- No parking within 30 feet of a stop sign, traffic control signal, or any flashing signal.
- No parking on sidewalks.
- No blocking of public or private driveways.
- No parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
- No stopping, standing, or parking in a roadway.
- No diagonal parking unless posted. All parking must be parallel to the roadway.
- No parking on dunes or revetments.
- No parking in ADA-accessible parking spaces unless visible ADA license tag or visible permit on the vehicle.
- No parking on yellow curbs or within areas marked by yellow or red street lines.
- No parking behind yellow lines.
Advice for first time beach explorers...
Remember where you park! Take a pic of the street name and block number where your car is. People file onto Center Street for some fun and when they try to find their car five hours later, they are wandering the entire island clicking their key fob.
When your feet first hit the sand, TURN AROUND and make note of your beach access. Does it have an access number? Like 4E, 5E, 6W etc. Make note of the houses on either side of the access or some other landmarks.

Advice for first time beach explorers...

Remember where you park! Take a pic of the street name and block number where your car is. People file onto Center Street for some fun and when they try to find their car five hours later, they are wandering the entire island clicking their key fob.
When your feet first hit the sand, TURN AROUND and make note of your beach access. Does it have an access number? Like 4E, 5E, 6W etc. Make note of the houses on either side of the access or some other landmarks.