Business Licenses in Folly Beach
A Folly Beach business license must be obtained for any business activity conducted within the Folly Beach city limits. Licenses from outside jurisdictions, including Charleston County, do not cover business activity in Folly Beach. All existing licenses must be renewed annually prior to May 1.
For short-term rental licenses, please see our Short-Term Rental License page.
For vendor licenses, please see the application below under Vendor Applications.
For all other licenses, including contractor licenses, please see the application for all new accounts below.
General questions about renewals, new licenses, and other non-rental license concerns can be directed to
Business License Official
A Folly Beach business license must be obtained for any business activity conducted within the Folly Beach city limits. Licenses from outside jurisdictions, including Charleston County, do not cover business activity in Folly Beach. All existing licenses must be renewed annually prior to May 1.
For short-term rental licenses, please see our Short-Term Rental License page.
For vendor licenses, please see the application below under Vendor Applications.
For all other licenses, including contractor licenses, please see the application for all new accounts below.
General questions about renewals, new licenses, and other non-rental license concerns can be directed to
All vendors must have a business license to conduct business on Folly beach. This includes festivals, weddings, and special events.
Questions about a business license?
For all business license-related questions please email Stacee Freeman at or call 843-588-7017
License Renewals
You can also renew your license in person at City Hall or email