Animal Services

Folly Beach is a caring community with a large pet population. Please see below for pet regulations.

  • No pets off leash at anytime on the beach or public streets*
  • May 1 to Sept. 30, no pets on beach between 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • It’s a violation of law not to pick up after your pet. Please keep baggies with you when you walk your animals.
  • Pet licenses (tags) are only available to Folly Beach residents, or if your stay on Folly is longer than 30 days. The license will be renewed annually based on the date of the rabies vaccination record.
  • When applying for a pet license online, be sure to upload a current copy of the pet’s rabies information. If unable to apply online, download and fill out this PET LICENSE FORM. Completed forms along with a current copy of the pet’s rabies information can be emailed to:

The City of Folly Beach Provides the Following Animal Services:

  • Pickup of stray or injured animals
  • Enforcing the leash law
  • Investigating animal cruelty cases
  • Assisting injured wildlife and birds: Folly Beach responds to wildlife calls, but does not have a Wildlife Agent on duty, nor a place to house wild animals, so each call for wildlife (anything that is not a domestic cat or dog) is dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Other agencies may need to be contacted or, in some cases, the resident may have to phone a critter catcher and/or an exterminator. In all cases, Folly Beach Public Safety advises resident to keep their distance and never disturb wildlife, especially sick or wounded animals.

Lose Your Best Friend?


Folly Beach Public Safety maintains a few holding pens for lost domestic dogs and cats and encourages you to phone Public Safety at 843.588.7003 when your four-legged friend goes missing. When possible, we will hold lost/found pets for up to three days before surrendering them to Pet Helpers or Charleston Animal Society for adoption. When claiming your animal, bring ID and proof of rabies and be aware you may be fined for animal-at-large. Folly Beach Public Safety does not house or kennel any animals.