Design Review Board

The Design Review Board (DRB) reviews all new construction, renovations, and other changes to the exterior appearance of all buildings in the commercial districts of the city. The board's authority also extends to signs, fences, and accessory structures erected in the commercial districts.

DRB meets at 6 p.m. on the third Monday of the month. The deadline to apply to appear on the agenda is noon ten days before each meeting.

The board consists of five full-time, year-round residents and registered voters appointed at-large by City Council. When making appointments, council shall give preference to one member being an architect, one member being a realtor, one member being a city planner or landscape architect, and one member being a licensed general or residential contractor. Experience and length of residency of a prospective member should be considered.

Board Members
Term Expires
Board Chair
Allen Kinter
Board Member
Pamela Barton
Board Member
William Hampton
Board Member
Kim Jaeger
Board Member
Paul Lauer
Staff Liaison
Jenna Stephens Email Jenna

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Meeting agendas and minutes

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