Form--Commercial Filming & Photo Shoots

REDUCED IMPACT OR HIGH IMPACT? Please complete the form and we will confirm with you soon. Be sure to read the rules for commercial filming.

A. Reduced Impact Filming

A crew of fewer than 10 people and/or 2 vehicles.

B. High Impact Filming-City Council Review

A crew of more than 15 people or more than 4 vehicles.

Reduced Impact High Impact
Yes No
- If yes there will be a requirement for a paid officer or security guard on site for the entirety of filming and must have City Council Approval.
The Applicant is solely responsible for the project operating with in the laws and rules of the City, State, and Federal Government.

Special Events Compliance


  1. Unless specifically waived by City Council, participants in special events on public or private property shall comply with all relevant city, state, and federal laws, including but not limited to:
    1. Alcohol possession or consumption (must be 21 years old, no open containers on public property, no alcohol on the beach);
    2. Parking and traffic laws;
    3. Noise prohibitions in residential, commercial, and recreational zones;
    4. Disorderly conduct;
    5. Unlawful assembly;
    6. Trespassing, malicious injury and the like; and
    7. Wildlife and environmental protection.
  2. If a special event does not comply with the rules set forth in this ordinance or other laws, the Director of Public Safety may terminate the event and take any other action that the Director deems appropriate.